Episode 266: The Beautiful Life Designer - Interview Edwina Murphy Doomer

Episode 266: The Beautiful Life Designer
Interview Edwina Murphy Doomer
Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast! I’m your host Lori Lee.
I’m reading a book called Change It Up. The entire premise of the book is a comparison of how scared we get of change, but also how much we need novelty and how refreshed we are by changes we choose - new hair cut, wearing a new color, going to a place you’ve never been, and even sometimes the shifts that happen after a divorce or or a loss. In the moment it’s a struggle, but many times it’s those moments of change, even loss that propel us into some of our best and healthiest paths.
Stay tuned for my talk with Edwina Murphy Droomer, the great women empowerment coach, we’ll hear her story of how divorce was the cross-roads to greater things and then we’ll talk about creating a higher purpose master plan.
Are you ready to create a life you love living?
Like many women, Edwina's metamorphosis sprung from her darkest hour as a suddenly single, broke mother with four children. With no choice but to sit firmly in the driver's seat of her life, Edwina set about taking back control of creating the life she dreamed of living. Now, as a Professional Interviewer and Women's Coach, Edwina is a powerhouse in the fields of vision building and transformation. She has supported thousands of women to create an exciting vision for the health, wealth, time and love they crave and then provides the support and accountability to bring that vision to life.
Join the audio program to hear:
- Edwina's story of growing up - as an adult, and learning to source better energy and beautiful results.
She said, "Like many women, I unlocked my strength and moxie during the darkest hours (weeks, months, year) following the breakdown of my first marriage and becoming a suddenly single, broke mum with four small children.
For the first three and a half decades of my life, I was on a mission to prove myself worthy. Worthy of what I was never quite sure of, however, at its core was wanting to feel worthy of love and belonging.
All the while raising four kids as a single mum and running a flower farm. But still, I suffered from not enough syndrome.
Then one day, while sitting on my veranda taking photos of my children, I had a ‘what the heck moment’. Looking at my vibrant, happy, beautiful kids running around amongst the roses on our flower farm, it dawned on me…
I did this. ME! I made this beautiful life for us.
The proof was in front of my eyes. It is not about comparison or perfection; it is simply about doing the best I can with what I know, being grateful for the life I have now, and striving to grow into all I can be.
That shift in mindset was the start of a whole new life."
Join us as we talk about braking through the worthiness barrier, seeing how powerful you are, and how shifting your perception of self changes what you can do. What do you want women to understand about themselves?
I love the part where we talk about taking responsibility and how an empowered human takes 100% responsibility.
This beautiful life designer shows us how she did it and shares some of the most important insights she shares with her clients.
Conclusion: On Edwina’s website there is a quote that is so compassionate. It says, “Be patient with yourself, nothing blooms all year long.” As we design the lives we want and act with intention, it helps to accept that it is a process. Don’t be afraid of what life holds. Be compassionate with yourself. Know that life holds beautiful gifts to support your growth. It’s an adventure.
Thanks for being here with us today. Please share this episode with one friend and have a beautiful couple weeks creating the life you want to live.
#accountability #improveyourenergy #youareworthy #designyourlife #change