Sept. 4, 2024

Episode 279: Life By Design: The Power of Positive Habits - Interview Amy Kemp

Episode 279: Life By Design: The Power of Positive Habits - Interview Amy Kemp

Episode 279: Life By Design: The Power of Positive Habits - Interview Amy Kemp

Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. I’m your host Lori Lee.

Can we agree that our thought habits basically build our worlds? How small we stay, how big we become, what we allow, what we don’t allow, how much we sacrifice, how hard money is to come by, etc. etc. these type of thought habits are the spaces we function from. In today’s show we are talking about thought habits, with the expert Amy Kemp, author of “I See You.”

Stay tuned for my in-depth conversation with this certified Habit Finder coach who has worked with literally hundreds to help people see how our habits impact our lives and how we can replace unhealthy thought habits with more healthy ones.

Amy Kemp not only coaches, but she also gives workshops, speaks on stage, and has now released her new book:  I See You.  I’m excited to sit with Amy to learn and share as we talk about this powerful piece of our lives - our habits. So let’s hop right in.

Amy, Welcome to the show.

Please join us on the audio program to hear our discussion about the following:

At the start of your book you share this wonderful story of meeting with a woman for the first time, a woman who, as you had coffee shared her career path, her accolades, her successes. A woman who looked to have everything together. When she asked why you had asked her to lunch, you said, “Because I see you. Because I really see you.” Which brought the woman to tears.  - WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY “I REALLY SEE YOU?’

What does a certified Habit Finder Coach do?

What are some of the most oft seen habits you see that do not serve people?

What habits do you replace those with?

Boundaries - Let’s talk about thought habits and boundaries.  (Let her speak)  In your book you quote Prentis Hemphill and her definition, “Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.”

In your book you ask a questions, “Wht if everything we want and are trying to create depends on only 1 thing: how connected we are to the source from which all things come?

Do you believe this and why?

Let’s get back to habits - If you had one tool that you have seen really make a difference in helping people realize which habits are holding them back what would it be?

How do we change unhealthy habit? Tell us the story of “Respect the mile.)

Share with us what you have to offer: your coaching, your book, where listeners can find you.

How to find Amy Kemp and the Habit Finder Tool:


Insta: @amykempinc


Often times our habits are something we aren’t even aware of. I certainly do not believe I am aware of all of mine. In fact I am aware of very few of mine. I hope our conversation with Amy Kemp, today, has given you a gentle awareness - a reminder of how important it is to understand the habits - THE AUTOPILOT - we are allowing to run our lives, to create our worlds. To live intentionally - which is what this show is all about - is to be aware, and to make choices, actively.

Blessings to you and yours. May you see your habits as they truly are and use your power to shift what you wish to shift, to respect the mile you are currently running. Until the next show - Live beautifully and with heart. See you in two weeks.