Find the life-hacks that work for you for creating YOUR best life story on purpose! It's all about living with intention.


Making a change can feel daunting. It can feel intimidating. Admitting something needs to change can make us feel overwhelmed. Often we doubt ourselves. So, most of us trudge along, knowing we'd like a bit more happiness, but not actively creating it.

That's why I started doing challenges with my clients. Instead of trying to change who we are all at once, just try one new thing. Just one thing.

The 21 LIFE Connection Challenges give you one fun tool to test every day. That's the magic behind short, experimental, challenges. ANYONE can do something for 1 day.

It's a tasters table that will get you hooked on a new favorite life-hack or two - find what works for you.


What you get:

What's in the 21 L.I.F.E Connection Challenges?

  • 21 unique strategies to remodel, reshape, and improve your daily living - 21 Life Hacks.
  • Professional coaching tips for implementing specific strategies into your daily routines.
  • A structured environment to record and reflect on each day's challenges - Journal space.
  • A guaranteed increase in connection, possibility and self-care in your life (if you complete each challenge, of course).


Start your challenges today - grab the book, go at your own pace, and see what it feels like to have the power to fundamentally change how you see your world.


Click here to BUY THE BOOK NOW!



Want even more fun?

GET A GROUP OF FRIENDS, a book club, a family group and do the challenges together.


Each day or each week you choose the next challenge - never skipping - then go do them and come back and report on how it went for you. Everyone's journey will be different and oh so interesting. 

Take your people on a  journey of gaining connection and a set of life hacks that will open spaces of self-awareness, forward momentum, new ideas and possibilities.

It's worth every minute.

I'm excited for you to jump in and see what happens!




Sandi Bartlett Atwood

About 2 months ago, I woke up feeling a little defeated and lost. I was lacking and looking for some direction; looking for change, so I remembered the podcast and thought okay, I'll check it out. Well let me tell you, Lori's challenges had quite the impact, not only on my long term actions, but on my immediate mood and goals for that day! I have since become a regular student of Love Your Story and have felt a greater clarity of vision, sense of purpose, peace of mind, and acceptance of the dynamic creative process of embracing and crafting my own story. Love Your Story challenges are simple, effective, and beg to be immediately implemented.

I can honestly say the challenges changed my mood and got me excited to take action in the moment I read them. Now, I turn to the podcasts and challenges when things are going well just to boost my "game" and enhance the quality of my life.

I strongly recommend Lori's challenges to everyone!


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or go the STORE link in the main menu for a group purchase option.