This do-it-yourself package provides a step-by-step list of how to create a successful group experience, the assets to support you, and a list of coaching suggestions for success. Includes: One 30-minute call with Lori to help you plan and get guidance. ToDo List Graphics Assets Audio Assets Platform Suggestions Done-for-you wording Social Media Links 10 Autographed Copies of the Book Everything you need to run your own group.
We create. Every day we create connection, chaos, possibility, drama, conversation, expectations, money, homes, relationships, works of art, friction, love, stories. Or we don’t. It's up to us. Our power lies in our ability to create and direct our own life story with every choice and every thought. We are beautiful and powerful beings who make choices every day that create – let’s create what we want, on purpose. The 21 L.I.F.E. --Living Intentional and Fearless Everyday-- Connection Challenges are an organized way to help you create more connection, more self love, and more possibility in your life--one challenge at a time. This taster’s table of life hacks provides a way to test out and practice small ways of being that make a big difference in the results you create in your life. Test all 21 and take the ones that connect with you most powerfully and keep them, use them more often, and watch how your life starts to bloom. This is your life. Live it with style and power. Live intent